Experience Industry Challenge 2020: Retail 3.0+
AdventureLAB announces Experience Industry Challenge 2020 – an event set out to accelerate the retail evolution with the involvement of international Experience Economy experts Joe Pine and Albert Boswijk
In central Copenhagen, Denmark on April 24, a group of 40 people with expertise in retail will join forces in a one-day collaboration with a clearly defined vision and mission: Rethinking the retail experience can revitalise the physical store. Now is the time to go from thought to action and make things happen on an unprecedented scale of reinvention. The goal is not just to push the evolution to the point of the Retail 3.0 experience, but even further forward: Retail 3.0+, which is reflected in the title of the event.
Joe Pine and Albert Boswijk, who are both experienced and respected speakers, strategists and workshop facilitators, will join the event. EIC2020 is a rare opportunity to not only have them both presenting but actively involved in the collaborative session, which will make up most of the day in Copenhagen.
“Experience Industry Challenge 2020: Retail 3.0+ (EIC2020) is not a conference. It is a one-day mission designed for retail experts to involve them in a collaboration to define and develop what retail can deliver being an active part of the new Experience Economy” says Klaus Sommer Paulsen, CEO & Founder of AdventureLAB.
The event is designed for individuals with an expertise in retail, who will join as paying attendees to learn, share and collaborate on a higher level. Some of the solutions and guidelines that the group comes up with are intended to be shared with other retail experience professionals in the form of the EIC2020 report, which will be made available online, with every participant listed as contributors.