AdventureLAB Studio X
Our Studio X services help and support organisations and creative teams develop, design and deliver successful innovative concepts. We do this through facilitation, workshops, and by providing additional competencies when needed by the team.

Concept Development
- Creative concepts for themed and branded spaces and experiences.
- Creative concepts for experiential and integrated marketing.
- Original entertainment franchise (IP) development.
- Original entertainment franchise (IP) adaption and application for experiences.
- Worldbuilding.
- Character design.
- Concept design.
- Workshops.
Examples: IPs development for attractions, theme parks, nationwide local pride initiative concept for the home real estate agent franchise, digital concept and strategy for TDN The Design Network.

Experience Design
- Customer journey mapping and visualisation.
- Customer experience design and optimisation.
- Creative experience design for themed attractions and branded experiences.
- Integrated and transmedia experience design.
- Event and show concept design.
- Workshops.
Examples: Stromma NICE (New Innovative Customer Experiences) Experiment Process.

Storytelling By Design
- Core story concepts.
- Story development and scriptwriting for themed attractions and branded experiences.
- Digital and interactive story concepts and development.
- Integrated and transmedia story concepts and development.
- Brand stories and corporate storytelling and story architecture.
- Workshops.
Examples: Story development for Popcorn Revenge attraction, story development for a temporary installation at IAAPA Attractions Expo 2017, core story concept for Yggdrasil Theme Park.

Digital Innovation
- Digital experience strategy and concept development.
- Virtual master plans integrating all touch points, digital and non-digital.
- Digital dimensions for existing spaces.
- Development of virtual and online spaces.
- Hybrid and integrated concepts and designs, combining physical and virtual spaces.
- Workshops.
Examples: Trelleborg Viking fortress digital strategy, Cliptomize online community strategy.
Send us an email or give us a call to discuss what AdventureLAB can do for you!